“Bin” There Done That!!

Bin PictureBefore running out and buying storage containers and bins consider these few points before heading out to the store

1. Prioritize the list of things you want to clean up. The last thing you want to do is bite off more than you can chew. Write the list down so you don’t lose sight of what you want to accomplish

2. Now that you have the list it is time to prepare for it. Is this a weekend project? Or something to do on a rainy afternoon? Be realistic about the time you need to finish a project. Keep in mind if it is something that involves looking through precious photos or family treasures you are going to have to give yourself extra time to walk down memory lane!

3. Envision what you want the space to look like when you are done. Find a picture in a book or magazine and use it for inspiration.

4. Just because a container or basket will store it neatly doesn’t mean you need to keep it. Take stock of the things you are keeping in your home. The more stuff we have the more we have to weigh us down. Recycle, re-gift, or donate unwanted items or things we no longer need.

5. Once you have sorted through the area you are organizing then you can decide how you are going to store the remaining items. You need to consider things like how often you will access the item, the importance of the item, size and weight of the item(s). Once you have taken those points into consideration then you can go and purchase the appropriate storage containers to put it all back together.

The last thing you want to do is end up storing bins in addition to the stuff we already have in the home. Make a plan and get the family involved. Be realistic about how long it will take to get you done. Minor set backs are okay. Embrace what you have accomplished in a day no matter how big or small it was. If you or someone you know needs help getting organized look to a Professional Organizer who can help get you started. Call Laurie of Innovative Solutions specializing in Kitchen, Pantries, Kids Play areas, basements, and garages.

10 Tips for Winter Organizing and DIY Project Idea’s

A Blog to help us work our way through the winter with some creative organizing tips.

1.                    Deck the Halls

It is the time of year where our front entrance ways will be overwhelmed with mitts, hats, and scarves.  Purchase sturdy plastic containers to house these items. The top shelf of the front hall closet is a neat hideaway. No front hall closet? No problem sturdy containers with lids stored under a hall table will work just fine. Label the outside of each box with article type or by person.

Storing boxes for children within arm’s reach helps them participate in keeping organized.

2.                   Out With the Old , In With  the New

Receiving gifts is a wonderful part of this Holiday season but we must be prepared. A new sweater is a great thing but not if you don’t have the space for it. With the changing of the seasons do a quick closet clean out.  Be honest with yourself if you haven’t worn it in 1 – 2yrs chances are you never will. Donate to a local charity and make room for that new sweater on your wish list.

3.                   Beds Aren’t Just For Sleeping…

Often overlooked under the bed is a great place to store seasonal clothing.  The reason is proximity to the closet. The closer it is the more likely we will do it. Who wants to pull everything out of storage from the basement every six months? Not me! Keeping winter items such as long sleeves, sweaters, and winter pants in storage in the summer seasons gives us more room in our closets to keep organized and find our clothing easier. The same is true when it is winter.


4.                   Making a List and Checking It Twice

You have to make time to save time. What I mean is take some time for yourself and write down your list of people to buy for.  Once you have your list write down what it is you will be buying for them. Now that you have your list, stick with it.

If we know in advance what it is we need to get the less likely we will be to purchase spontaneous gifts that add to the expense of the Holidays. Knowing in advance also alleviates the pressure of last minute shopping.

5.                    An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away….

And so does medicine. Now is the time to take stock of what is in our medicine cabinets. Take inventory of what you have and what you need. Don’t forget to check those expiry dates.

Remember if you need to get rid of unused medicine don’t dump it down the drain or throw in the garbage. Bring to your Pharmacist for safe disposal.


6.                  Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire

Preparing for winter means we will be cozying up to the fire or enjoying the comforts of a warm home.  Don’t get left out in the cold.  Now is the time to have your heating equipment inspected and complete the annual filter change.  This should also include maintenance on your gas or wood fireplace.

7.                   Silver Bells, Silver Bells

Keep your ornaments safe for use year after year.  Most stores carry containers to store holiday ornaments. If you are not worried about having fancy containers to stick in a storage area then here are two simple DIY Projects you can do at home.

  • Hot-glue paper cups to cardboard and place in a plastic container. Tissue wrap ornaments from largest to smallest and place in cups
  • Mode Podge scraps of wrapping paper to an empty wine box and place ornaments in tissue and put inside box. This is a great craft to do with kids of all ages.

 8.                   Rudolph With Your Nose So Bright

Christmas lights add a festive cheer to the décor but storing them can be a festive pain. Here are a couple of simple tips to store your Christmas lights.

  • Wrap small lights around an empty electrical spool. An old ribbon spool can do the trick too.
  • Cut a cardboard box to your liking and wind the lights around it. Place in a plastic container for easier storage to keep your lights from getting tangled

9.                      The More the Merrier

The Holiday season is about giving and receiving. There is nothing nicer then to receive a thoughtful holiday card. Not sure what to do with them at the end of the season. Here are some tips to use with those cards you just don’t want to throw away.

  • Keep them to cut out some of the pictures to make personal decorative tags next year
  • Make a card garland that you can hang along the mantelpiece or along the stairs
  • Make a collage and then put in a frame for a decorative print during the Holidays
  • Make some beautiful coasters


10.                   Pack and Purge

When the festivities are all over don’t be too quick to put it all away.  Take some time to assess your holiday décor and decide which pieces you can part with.  Each year most of us either buy new items or have them given to us. Now is a good time to start a new tradition. For every new item you must let one go. Difficult as it may seem the less we hold onto the easier it is to store items without being overrun with decorations. It also means the ones we hold onto each year are special and ones that will be cherished for generations


My name is Laurie Coish. My business is Innovative Solutions.

I am a Professional Organizer who offers services in organizing, staging, and décor consultations.  The main focus of my business is organizing and de-cluttering spaces. I work with Homeowners to organize kitchens, closets, basements, garages, and kids play areas.  My area of specialty is moves, downsizing, and working with seniors.

What is a Professional Organizer? It is someone who has had specialized training through the Professional Organizers of Canada. It is an Association that offers training and support to its members.  We have monthly chapter meetings for members in the Halton-Peel regions. I sit as a member of the Executive Committee – Secretary.

Professional Organizers help reduce stress and provide fewer issues with time, space, and storage!


Battle of the Bulge….Closet bulge that is!

Have you ever stood in front of your closet arguing with it about a missing article of clothing?  Swearing up and down that you put it in there the other night only to trip on it on the way out of the bedroom door.  Or maybe it was the other conversation where you blame someone else in your household for taking your sweater out of the closet…….those are usually the ones where my eight year old daughter looks at me like I am crazy.  Afterall, what does she want with a sweater that is ten times to big for her.  Lastly, have you ever had those mornings where you wake up proud of yourself because you already  know what you are going to wear only to find the closet doesn’t want to co-operate with you.  Why the heck does she have to be so tempermental anyway?  Especially when I hit the “snooze” button a couple of extra times because I thought I had the whole getting dressed thing in the morning covered.

I am sure we have all had similar experiences at one point or another.  The truth of the matter is we wear 20% of our clothes 80% of the time.  That coupled with all the other wonderful things we tend to stuff in our closets make it a recipe for disaster.  Size doesn’t matter with closets.  It’s all relative: the more space = the more stuff.  What really matters with the space is how we organize it.

Now wait before you run out and buy a new closet organizer here are a few tips to take into consideration.

  • At the change of each season switch out your clothes. In spring remove all those large bulky sweaters from winter to make room for the lighter tops and pants.  If you are stumped for a place to store them don’t ignore the space under the bed.  Close proximity to the closet makes it an easy task at the start of each season.
  • The sweater you never wear…or in my case the pants I’ll never fit – TIME to let ’em go! Like I said before we wear 20% of our clothes 80% of the time. That means we have a lot of clothes that are hanging around taking up space. (Pardon the punn)  There are a lot of great charities out there that would make good use of them.  My rule of thumb: if at the change of spring season I go through my closet and find that one item I haven’t worn but I just can’t get rid of I let it stay. That is untill the next round and if it hasn’t hit my hips then it makes the cut and out the door it goes.
  • What to do with all them shoes? Besides wearing them we need to store them. Same principles apply to the shoes that we do with the clothes.  If you aren’t wearing them then it is time to let them go.  Also, make room for seasonal shoes at the change of the season.  Another great tip – categorize your shoes A & B. The A shoes we wear most often can live in the front hall closet. The B shoes can be neatly organized in the closet in the bedroom.
  • The stuff we store in our closets is usually the out of sight out of mind sorta stuff.  Take your time and work through these items.  The 6 month rule applies here too! If it hasn’t seen the light of day in a long time chances are it doesn’t need to.  For the other items that need to stay like print photos, penny jars, and hats to name a few make sure you have weeded through them and are keeping the ones you want. Then buy the appropriate sized containers to keep them in.
  • Now that we have done a little purging and sorting we can put the important things away in a neat and orderly fashion.  This is where personal preference comes into play. I like to sort my clothes by colour and by style.  Simply put my short sleeves are with my short sleeves in order of colour and my long sleeves are grouped together the same way.  Which means my pants & capris are all in the same spot.  Makes life easy in the morning and less confrontations with the closet too!  I even take it one step further and have all white hangers facing the same way.  Aside from it looking neat it really makes it easier to find things.
  • Top shelf tips: store items that are used less frequently.  Ensure that you do not pack boxes stored here with too much stuff.  We have to think of our backs and the ease of getting at these items when needed.  If it literally becomes a pain to access them chances are you won’t use what’s stored in them.

What are some of the problems you have encountered in the closet? Do you have any tips you would like to share? Please leave a comment.  I would love to hear from you.  Trust me I know linen closets and pantries present their own unique set of issues.  Now that I think of it they should have blogs onto themselves!!

There are some great products out there for customizing closets.  If you are thinking of it take a look at these great links;



Please before you go out and spend money on storage products take the time to purge and sort.  When all else fails feel free to contact me for assistance.  As a Home Management Specialist I can help expedite the process.  I am a trained Professional Organizer who can help sort the items and get the job done.  Most of all I want to help.  Sometimes it’s not are own closets we need help with.  Perhaps it’s a loved one who needs the help.  The best example I can use for that is Seniors downsizing or people who have suffered a loss.  Those are difficult situations but having a compassionate person who can lend a caring hand and at the same time be objective enough to get the job done is what is needed.

Whatever the situation closets shouldn’t be a frustration to us.  They are there to perform a service for us.  Store our stuff and have it easy to find things.  Fight the battle of the bulge and take control of your closet.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Laurie Coish 647-231-9711 / laurie@innovativesolutions4u.ca

Home Mgmt Specialist.


Follow me on Twitter @organizedforyou

Time Management

Tic TocTic TocTic Toc

* Warning* This material could get racy!! No seriously this blog is about our race against time to get everything done and the unrealistic time restraints we give ourselves to do so.  The song may sing ‘R E S P E C T – find out what it means to me’ but what we’re really singing is “T I M E – how did you get away from me?”

The Answer: Time Management.

Here are some simple tips help improve time management skills and reduce stress along the way.

  1. Get Organized – don’t let clutter get in the way of your day-to-day. The weight of items gathering can slow you down.  Make it a priority to slowly organize each area of your home. Baby step your way through it. Instead of taking out the trash or vacuuming one day take that time to clean out the junk drawer or go through the shoes in the front hall closet.  If you feel overwhelmed call a friend or look to a Professional Organizer to get you on the right foot.
  2. The To Do list – I know it should really be called the “never-ending” list! Keep a master list not several little lists scattered about the home this way you know everything you would like to get done and you don’t have to run around the house trying to locate a list to scratch something off it.  Keep lists detailed oriented. Items such as ‘planning a baby shower’ require a lot of steps. Itemizing those steps not only helps you feel accomplished at the end of the day but it also helps when organizing the plans of any event. Prioritize the items on your list. You can do this by numbering them or recording the important ones at the top of the sheet. Lastly, re-evaluate your list from day-to-day. If something didn’t get done don’t beat yourself up about it – that is why we need to prioritize our lists – some items can carry over from day-to-day.
  3. Calendar – Keep a master calendar with you that includes all personal appointments as well as any work related appointments. This keeps us from scrambling to schedule things that may come up or prevent a conflict in appointments. There is nothing worse than being asked to attend a school trip and you have to wait until you get to work to make sure you don’t already something scheduled. Imagine the feeling to be able quickly look at your calendar and know you can be there. It helps us from putting others off and then it becomes one more thing we have to remember to do.
  4. Planning – If you have something you need to get done then plan for it. Don’t let it be that nagging item on the back of your brain or that one item that constantly carries over on your to do list.  If you need to clean out the garage then pick a day and time. Be specific and realistic about what you want to get done with the time you have given yourself and then put it in your calendar.
  5. Time Suckers – We all have things in our lives that side bar us or prevent us from using our time wisely.  There are things we can’t control but if Aunt May calls and wants to gossip for half an hour about the neighbour down the hall at the wrong time of the day there is nothing wrong with asking her if you can call her back later.  The same goes for long-winded emails sent to your work address.  Thank the sender for thinking of you but ask them to redirect any emails unrelated to work to another email. That way you can enjoy them when you have the time.  Take inventory of the things in your life that eat up your time and energy that are not warranted and find ways to minimize or avoid them.  If you do in the end you will have time to speak with Aunt May or get to those unread emails that may bring a laugh or enlighten you.  We all need our down time…afteral that is the goal.

It is nice to be regimented but there is a line between being a “go-getter” and a “workaholic”. We need to find a balance that works for each of us.  The most important thing to remember is to take some time to smell the roses. Time Management is also about finding time for ourselves to enjoy life. If that means scheduling a date night or family fun night then so be it.

Remember if there are area’s of your life you need help with there are people out there who can assist you.  I am a Home Management Specialist who specializes in residential home organizing.  I can set up systems in your home that will help keep you organized.  I can walk you through the whole process from de-cluttering to re-organizing the space so it becomes functional again. I look at things such as basements, kitchens, bedrooms – kids rooms, garages, bathrooms and more.

I hope you enjoyed this blog. I will be writing again with more organizing tips to live by.  If you have any questions or suggestions please let me know.

Laurie Coish www.innovativesolutions4u.ca / 647-231-9711


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